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Flights over the super bowl
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Posted 2/10/2025 07:44 (#11097263 - in reply to #11097093)
Subject: RE: Flights over the super bowl

West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12
I have a cousin that does aircraft component hydraulic destructive testing for living. Which means he and his team put aircraft fuel and hydraulic system components in explosion proof rooms and expose fuel/hydraulic pumps, hoses, and other components to operating pressures well beyond the manufactures stated operating range until the components fail. The pressures, RPM, GPM, and temperature extremes he talks about the components operating at and ultimately failing are crazy.

Some military aircraft he has talked about have hydraulic systems operating at 11,000 RPM, producing 105 GPM, at 5,000 PSI...that would bring a hydraulic operated grain cart to life.

Edited by CMN 2/10/2025 07:46
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