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Mixing Deere 6000 and 7500 Receivers
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Posted 2/10/2025 11:31 (#11097635 - in reply to #11097601)
Subject: RE: Mixing Deere 6000 and 7500 Receivers

Elk Water Twp, MN

The local Deere AMS guy last week said that SF3 would be just as good as SF-RTK with the caveat of no year-to-year repeatability.  

Late May 2024, did a couple hundred foot long experiment on a field where half the corn hadn't emerged yet after three weeks in wet, cold mucky soil.  The seed showed zero signs of decay due to suspected anaerobic conditions.  Without a good rotary hoe, the experiment was to move the planter gauge wheels two notches, to shallow up the opener discs, with the idea of breaking any crust and allow oxygen into the soil.  For the sparce corn that was up, the opener discs sliced those V1-V2 size plants right in half.  Think I'll stick with RTK (now SF-RTK) versus SF3.

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