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Priefert cattle chute?
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Posted 2/10/2025 17:05 (#11097992 - in reply to #11094455)
Subject: RE: Priefert cattle chute?

Im sure it is a good chute and better than what you have. They all have their pluses and minuses. I do not like the way you catch the cattle in these. Titan west, arrowquip, and the one shown all have the same front and over time they slip and you will be dissapointed. The also do not have the leverage others have so it is more work to catch cattle.I would say if you have cows and breeding bulls palco is the way to go. Palco is not perfect as their back gate is goofy and front head gate can jam, but for semen checking they are one of the few chutes that can hold a bull. Second would be buy a foremost through your local vet. Good all around solid chute for multi purpose use. Has most reliable manual head gate(dont get a self catch) simple rear gate. Foremost has 3 levels of chutes. have gotten along good with their basic chute but the side doesnt open so I would suggest 1 level up as it is heavier bulit and the side opens. 2nd level up is a tank and very heavy built.
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