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removing pennies
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John Burns
Posted 2/10/2025 20:36 (#11098312 - in reply to #11097571)
Subject: Not going cashless - just the effects of the devaluation through inflation of the currency

Pittsburg, Kansas
I am not for getting rid of cash or coins. Coins have the advantage of paper bills in that they last a lot longer.

I am willing to get rid of the lower denomination coins as they have ceased to be very useful because inflation of the money supply has made their purchasing power almost worthless. Purchasing power worth less than the cost to make the coins.

I think we could go to dimes mostly taking the place of pennies and dollar coins taking the place or quarter coins.

There used to be Mil coins. I don't think they were ever a US minted coin but were used to pay taxes and as change. They were before my time but my dad remembered them. Ten Mil to a penny. Then it got to be where the Mil was such low value that they quit using them. This was back when a penny would buy a pretty nice piece of candy and a nickle would buy a great big 3 Musketeers candy bar that would cost over a dollar now.

It is just a matter of inflation reducing the purchasing power of the currency to the point some denominations are almost worthless. It is only going to get worse.

Edited by John Burns 2/10/2025 20:39
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