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Round Bale Feeding Skidsteer
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Posted 2/10/2025 21:17 (#11098368 - in reply to #11096233)
Subject: RE: Round Bale Feeding Skidsteer

North Central OH
We feed all ours with a skidsteer, no loader and there isn't enough room in the barnyard for one anyways, old dairy concrete. The gate as it is can be pushed open and close with the bale, unchain it first. Unwrapping depends on the feeder type, unsuspened rings you could dump the bale then unwrap. Suspended type you need to hold over the feeder and unwrap, if the boom would come down figure the feeder would stop it at least. If your bales will hold together without net, you can unwrap before taking the bale in.
Now a cab complicates this, most machines will require the boom to be most of the way up or down all the way to open, kubota, some gehl, mustang, jcb will be the exception to this. It is workable if you spear the bale high, new machine has a door and have figured a way to work around it, it is more complicated than the old open one but climate control is better for about everything else. When I bought it figure the door would have to come off but have been able to deal with it so far.
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