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Two track tractors
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Posted 2/10/2025 22:33 (#11098442 - in reply to #11098130)
Subject: RE: Two track tractors

Central ND
Breeggy - 2/10/2025 18:47

D&S tire can fix guide lugs.

Bolt on guide lugs is a last resort. If the tracks weren’t junk before the are after drilling holes in them to bolt guides back on.

Completely false. I have a track on a 95E right now that has 80% of the guide blocks bolted, three years ago I ran a track until it was almost bald with all the blocks bolted. Had lost about 12 of them, found about half, cut the other six off of a bad track and bolted them all. A rotary hammer with a GOOD carbide masonry bit drills right through the cables, and a 7/8" spade bit works great to recess the bolt heads with a washer into the blocks.

There are guys out in Washington that drill and bolt the blocks on brand new tracks for use on the sidehills.
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