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Custom harvest logistics
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Posted 2/11/2025 09:40 (#11098884 - in reply to #11098774)
Subject: RE: Custom harvest logistics

The majority of them plan on some of the trucks doubling back for another load. For most moves in season its really not a big deal as you're only jumping in short bits, biggest is the ones that make the long haul from Kansas to Montana or South Dakota or Arizona to KS/CO. The first or last move of the season to get to/from home base is usually the longest, but they do a lot of prestaging or delayed retrieval.

In the days of straight trucks, narrow headers, and no grain carts it was pretty easy to come up with a one trip moving setup. Now with 40-50' drapers, 1500+ bushel carts, corresponding large tractors to pull them, and long hopper bottoms things just can't be gathered up in a safe/legal manner. Things continue to evolve, getting more rare to see double header trailers even, and a cart warrants its own detach a lot of times now. Lots and lots more capital invested in just equipment these days which is making it harder to make a go of it, and not just the prices of combines and tractors going up. Drapers are pricey, stripper headers are being more of a common head that a lot of them also have on hand, the fall run is becoming a much larger deal needing more grain carts on hand just to use in the fall, combines keep getting heavier so you are seeing more detaches used to move them instead of the traditional combine trailers that one could hook a hopper or header trailer behind.
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