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Fake News? We had a deal ...
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Posted 2/11/2025 10:57 (#11098984 - in reply to #11094298)
Subject: RE: Fake News? We had a deal ...

It has been mentioned about providing stewardship for the land by what ever means.
I think if I own the land, stewardship should be what I decide. Not what some one who has no skin in the game says.
For example, some talk about crp making the land better. It may in your area. It may not here. Also better for what purpose?
I have land that was put in CRP before I bought it. The land was seeded down according to the rules. Very little came up and the land pretty much was bare. Not good for erosion.
This land grew a corn crop and had cover every year until the CRP, then it was bare.
The land did improve but it was simply that I started putting on fertilizer the same as my crop ground. Once we had fertilizer, we had grass growth.
Some was seeded to "native grass" Native grass tends to clump. The water runs around the clump and the ground washes.
Every farmer I know, figures on a bad crop the first year out of CRP or meadow.
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