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Is your diet killing you? Jordan Peterson interviews insulin researcher Ben Bikman
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Posted 2/11/2025 13:52 (#11099239 - in reply to #11098295)
Subject: RE: Is your diet killing you? Jordan Peterson interviews insulin researcher Ben Bikman

South Dakota
Wow, that is an amazing podcast. Very informative and cool.
I’ve been following the carnivore/ketone program for a month now. Love it. John you’re the one who lead me to it. I needed to do something with my weight and I remembered reading your posts so I went and read a few of them and off I went :). And it’s definitely working. I’m loosing weight and have a lot more energy.
The part that had me most delighted and “scandalized” was when they talked about how your brain will preferably use ketones versus glucose. Even if the glucose is more abundant. I discussed that with someone not to long ago and they were thinking a certain percent of carbs are needed for brain food..
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