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Old people
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Posted 2/11/2025 16:39 (#11099444 - in reply to #11095565)
Subject: RE: Old people

Who knows what some one else told her.
One farm I know of, I was given a chance. I made fair offer. The landlord rented it to one of the larger and wealthier farmers in the area. It was rented for $1 more than my offer.
He told me the young guy needed help starting out. Now the kid the guy was helping was many multiples larger than my neighbor. But the BTO had him convinced the kid needed help.
Years later I got to see the contract. It was still for the original amount and was with the father, not the kid.
I have had landlords tell me many things as to why the kid who did their chores and scooped their snow was unable to farm their ground, so they rented to someone else.
It never crossed their mind that the person who told them those things rented their ground.
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