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Custom harvest logistics
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Posted 2/11/2025 18:33 (#11099579 - in reply to #11098774)
Subject: RE: Custom harvest logistics

I went in 08. Double header trailers pulled behind pickups and pulled an empty hopper behind service trucks. Some trucks would have to go back to retrieve some hoppers but we had enough to get started and didn’t move all 12 combines at once. We only loaded the combines 3 times once we started. If under 100 or so miles we would road them. I can remember some pretty long trips we made without taking the heads off as well. Running 20+ miles with a 36 foot head was the most stressful part of the summer. Even if you didn’t see cars there are way more signs, posts, trees etc than you would think along the road. I am so glad I went. We had a great crew and was an experience I’ll never get to do again.
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