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Issue downloading G5 data into SMS
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 2/11/2025 22:17 (#11099947 - in reply to #11098190)
Subject: RE: Issue downloading G5 data into SMS

I allow it to import at a lower resolution, but it still takes some time. Typically after planting with an Exact Emerge planter, which produces an enormous amount of data compared to most other machines, I'll just start importing first thing in the morning and go back at the end of the day.
Unfortunately, the only way to get a seamless experience is to use Ops Center with the G4 & G5, but for various reasons, I still import everything into SMS as well. AgL is along for the ride and has to adjust to Deere's changes, which means that SMS will have hiccups now and then reading that data.
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