South Central MN | Our bodies were designed to survive much harsher conditions than most modern humans will face. Look at what is available as food outside your door right now. Where I am the only food I can see that looks appealing are some walnuts that dropped last fall, and poultry that I feed and keep alive through the winter. (Or rabbits and squirrels in the grove that I don't have to worry about.) Will be a couple months before any plants think about turning green here. Keep in mind some of our ancestors may have lived in conditions where green plants only grew 4 months out of 12. (Or less.)
Eating 3 full meals a day is not normal. In the past you may have been lucky to have gotten one.
Edit to add that during the spring and fall while busy I usually only eat 1 meal a day, when I get done with work and come in for the evening. Just don't feel hungry during the day, might be too driven to get the work done. Plus side is it makes for a great weight loss program. I gain weight in the late fall/winter once things slow down. Lose it during the spring/summer.
Edited by MNfarmer85 2/12/2025 03:48
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