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Round Bale Feeding Skidsteer
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Posted 2/12/2025 12:33 (#11100778 - in reply to #11096233)
Subject: RE: Round Bale Feeding Skidsteer

I think you'll like the machine so much for other things, you'll quickly get used to feeding bales with it. We ALWAYS set the bale down and back out to open the gate. Set the bale on its flat side to remove the net and set the ring over it. Or set the ring on it before cutting net if your bales fall apart. Please do not get out of the cab with the boom up. You might die. However... New Holland and Deere have boom locks you operate from inside the cab. That's the only thing I'd change about our Bobcat.

Buy one with wide tracks instead of wheels and the mud concerns are negated.
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