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What is the oddest thing you have found at the bottom of a feed bunk?
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Posted 2/13/2025 06:51 (#11101861 - in reply to #11101689)
Subject: RE: What is the oddest thing you have found at the bottom of a feed bunk?

North central TX
Not found in the feed bunk exactly. But a good story none the less. When I was a kid(started at maybe 10) my parents would ship me from here to Iowa and I'd make the rounds with all the grandparents/great grandparents on both sides of the family for a month or so. I was staying at Dads side Grandma and Grandpa in Carroll county, and lost my bugs bunny velcro wallet out of my pants. I looked all over but couldn't find it. A year or two later I was riding the tractor with my uncle, cultivating corn when I spotted something we turned up on the last pass. It was my wallet. It had fallen out either in/next to the hog lot, or in the cattle yard around the bunks while helping with chores and gotten scraped up and spread with the manure. The $60-80 cash inside was all stuck together. So, Grandma sent the wallet to the treasury with a note explaining. It smelled like hog manure bad enough, I'm pretty sure it got a very light look and the treasury people sent back an extra $40.
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