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What is the oddest thing you have found at the bottom of a feed bunk?
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 2/13/2025 07:32 (#11101911 - in reply to #11098283)
Subject: RE: What is the oddest thing you have found at the bottom of a feed bunk?

just a tish NE of central ND
In a bale feeder over the last 60 years...... Partial T post. 4 foot of wooden fence post. Tree branches. Electric fence rod posts and occasionally some wire, both barbed and smooth. Tire rubber from road ditches. Cans and bottles too. Rake teeth from my own 42-foot dump rake. Tennis balls. Old colored plastic TWINE from decades ago. Plastic pail. Diapers. Stupid peoples ditch garbage.(grrrrrr) A baler belt from my own baler. Pretty good-sized ROCKS!> Last year I found the remains of a radio head set in the bottom of the bale feeder. A skunk.
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