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Soil test results
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Posted 2/13/2025 08:25 (#11102001 - in reply to #11095769)
Subject: RE: Soil test results

East Central, NE
I skimmed over the other replies so forgive me if I am repeating anyone else's input. I do agree as others have said, you need a sulfur source. Sadly, it is not economically feasible to lower pH in my experience, so you simply need to deal with the high ph. 25 to 40 lbs actual S will be sufficient in thio or elemental forms. Unless you have a manure source as Marvin has been trying to figure out, it is economically not a good option to through a ton of P and K in commercial fertilizer. highly highly recommend banding your P in high loads 2 inches off to the side and rely on this for your P source. Even better, get into strip tilling your P every year if you can afford it. Your calcium levels are always going to tie up your phosphorus as indicated on your bray P2 test. Super high, and sadly, your plants will never be able to unlock this. K is cheap enough at this time that I would still recommend blanket spreading some potash-100-150 lbs. Potassium at least moves down the soil with rain unlike phosphorus, which requires physical disturbance in order to reach the root zone, such as tillage. Summary-band your P safely, and blanket spread your K.
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