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The Return of Deutz: AGCO makes deal with Same-Deutz Fahr for tractors
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Posted 2/13/2025 19:16 (#11103034 - in reply to #11101746)
Subject: RE: The Return of Deutz: AGCO makes deal with Same-Deutz Fahr for tractors

GS2 - 2/13/2025 03:08

Dutchdeutz - 2/12/2025 19:50

You keep remembering..
For lots of people, its 2025.
With Water/liquid cooled high efficiency engine, since 1992 and still in business ( maybe.., just because they restructured back then)
And even quite a few of old Deutz tractors around here still working, and possible to get new parts for them..

Deutz has a good product and a well established dealer network here in western Canada.
I think its an economical tractor.

They were KHD in 1992. They're in with 5 or so other brands anymore. Apparently something failed somewhere.

Also, considering you can go on YouTube and find many videos of Deutz powered Fendts in Western Canada not starting in the cold, while they are plugged in, and it was claimed to be only -30, you can keep them.

Also, where? Is this just a small farm Alberta thing? All the traveling in Saskatchewan and Manitoba I have yet to see anything Deutz.

They sold a lot of Deutz down here at first, until people realized the transmission was the equivalent of a Swiss watch, the hydraulics were 50 years behind, and the cabs were poor, and parts had to come from Germany.

Our Fendts start if they're plugged in. The Deutzs start whether they are plugged in or not. Doesn't get -30 here. If you don't want the Swiss watch transmission just get the Cvt it is second only to Fendt. And if the hydraulics are 50 years behind then everyone else must be too. Lol. The cabs still are not too big and that is not acceptable to some. Around here it matters more how things work in the real world than some other place on utube. For our area the best dealers are Deutz and Fendt so that helps too.
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