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Custom drone spraying Startup
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Posted 2/23/2025 08:01 (#11118412 - in reply to #10954515)
Subject: RE: Custom drone spraying Startup

Springfield, OH
Ron..NE ILL..10/48 - 11/6/2024 05:41

I agree with others....don't give up yet. 

Seems the best ideas might be to go ahead with all your licensing and then see if you can work for/under another local drone business for at least a season, then consider going your own route....or not. Who knows, your employer might make you a good deal, or even help you to get started. 

I suspect there will evolve a nation-wide chain of drone application businesses operating under one name. I suspect the large co-ops are looking & considering what to do or how to integrate drone application. You need to be ready for them.

You would think but the large retailers I’ve talked to want nothing to do with it. We’re getting a good amount of work through them. In my opinion it’s going to be hard to scale unless we figure out what to use these things for the other 50 weeks of the year.
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