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How do I post pictures from iPhone and photobucket?
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Sharecropper jr.
Posted 2/19/2013 03:53 (#2909534 - in reply to #2909414)
Subject: Re: How do I post pictures from iPhone and photobucket?

Deep southern Illinois
Try updating, on my iPad 3 it's in the settings app under general, second item on general list software update. May not work on iPhone, if it doesn't, you have to sync it to your computer, and it will preform the nessecary updates.

**for an iPad, to get pictures to post upright, home button must be to the right both when taking pic, and posting**

When I go to start a new post, just check the box at the bottom for files under 2mb, and submit. Then hit select file, choose existing, and look through pictures to find the one you want, and hit submit, wait for it to load, and repeat. Then hit I'm done.

Edited by Sharecropper jr. 2/19/2013 04:06




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