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Are drones really worth all the work?
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Posted 2/3/2025 17:34 (#11087555)
Subject: Are drones really worth all the work?

I have been trying to talk myself out of buying a used drone..
I figured I'd get all the licensing and paperwork done first thinking all the bureaucracy would talk me out of one.
Unfortunately I completed all that as of this morning.
So I guess the question... Is it still worth it?
resale value sucks and looks like there are tons of used drones out there which makes me question is it really all that great?
I understand that, like a cell phone, the day you purchase one is the day it becomes obsolete and old tech.
We run maybe 2-500 acres of corn fungicide a year and could* do 2-3x that but never seem to get too excited about the ROI.
I applied for EQUIP and CSP programs thinking for the $55 they want to give me I'd broadcast a cover crop on a few acres.
We have quite a few low acres that seem to get flooded regularly that I wouldn't mind using a drone on.
We could sell our pull type sprayer and get a Hagie or some self propelled. But those aren't cheap both to buy as well as maintain.
And we have gotten by without a drone from the last 2 millennia... but I'm not going back to draft horses and I kind of like the tech/progressive side of farming.
Affordability is not a big deal.... it’s the question of priority... is the juice worth the squeeze. Do that earn their keep on the farm? Or is it 15-20k that I'll be excited to sell for 5 or 10 to some guy 2 states away and never see it again....
we don’t dedicate (southern MN). No till beans so aphid and fung is a pull type sprayer app.
I’m wondering did any one buy one and think “this was not worth it”. Or are many of you finding many handy uses for it?

I'm guessing I'll end up buying one.. talk me out of it..

Edited by mlfarms1 2/3/2025 18:47
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